The Adam Critchley team is dedicated to patient care and support throughout your breast surgery and recovery. With this in mind, we have put a glossary together which consists of relevant surgical terms that will help you feel more informed in your choice.
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Undergoing breast surgery, or a ‘boob job’ as many call it, is a major decision. Whether you’re seeking breast enlargement surgery, breast reduction surgery, a breast lift, breast implant removal, implant revision, or breast asymmetry correction, you’ll be in good hands with Newcastle’s top breast surgeon Adam Critchley. Adam is a consultant breast surgeon in Newcastle upon Tyne with over a decade of experience in performing the aforementioned cosmetic procedures.
If you have any questions about undergoing breast surgery, please get in touch with Adam Critchley’s team for further advice and support.
Also refers to the shape of a ‘tear drop’ or ‘shaped’ implantThis refers to the anatomy of the breast, which is made up of fat tissue, breast tissue, connective tissue, ligaments and pectoralis major.
Anesthesia is the state of unconsciousness and temporary loss of sensation for medical purposes. For most breast surgery procedures, patients will be put under general anesthesia which will induce sleep and unconsciousness to prevent feeling pain.
The areola is the dark-coloured skin on the breast that surrounds the nipple.
A surgical incision that is made in the armpit. This method of incision can be used for breast augmentation, but more commonly for removing excess armpit tissue and skin.
Breast asymmetry is a condition in which one breast is notably different in size, shape or position from the other. To a degree, nearly all breasts have some asymmetry within normal variation.
Asymmetry refers to something that is uneven or not symmetrical. In breast terms, this means that one breast has a different shape, volume or position from the other. This may represent normal variation.
Athletes or women who are physically active are often referred to as having ‘athletic breasts’, meaning their breasts are more wide, muscular and contain less breast tissue.
Also known as breast augmentation, this is a cosmetic procedure that increases the size, shape or texture of the breasts.
This refers to the armpit area and the lymph nodes located there.
A type of breast shape where the breasts are fuller at the bottom and shallower at the top, similar to the shape of a bell.
Benign breast disorders refer to any lump, cyst or other change in your breast tissue that is non-cancerous.
Bilateral breasts can refer to several things such as breast cancer, breast pain or breast ultrasounds. The definition of bilateral is two-sided, meaning these issues occur in both breasts.
A boob job is a colloquial term for breast augmentation surgery.
This term refers to breast implants falling below the breast’s natural crease due to lack of support from the skin and tissue, causing asymmetry in the breast. This can also happen after breast reduction.
Breasts are two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of one’s body.
A type of surgery that increases the size, shape and volume of the breasts. Also referred to as breast enlargements or ‘boob job’.
‘Motiva’ Implants are used exclusively by Adam Critchley, and they are implants that have a unique, high quality shell and gel that allow patients to maintain a fully active lifestyle. There has never been a case of BIA-ALCL in a patient who has only ever had Motiva implants.
A surgical procedure that reshapes and raises the breasts and nipple position, typically giving a more youthful appearance.
A breast pocket refers to a space created in the breast during breast augmentation surgery that makes room for an implant.
Also known as reduction mammaplasty, breast reduction surgery removes excess breast tissue, fat and skin to make the breasts smaller and lifted at the same time.
Rejuvenated breasts are typically breasts that have been tightened or reshaped to make them look more aesthetically pleasing. This can be achieved with a breast lift, or breast lift with implant surgery.
Any cosmetic procedure that alters the appearance of the breasts.
A breast capsule refers to scar tissue that naturally forms around a breast implant during the recovery process.
A condition that occurs when the capsule that forms around an implant tightens and hardens. This is the most common reason for revisionary surgery in the future.
The cleavage is the narrow depression or hollow between a person’s breasts.
This term refers to a type of breast shape where there is little space between a person’s breasts.
Breasts that have a cone-like shape, with a sloping shape at the top and nipples that point outward away from the body.
Tissue that supports, protects and offers structure to other tissues and organs in the body. In relation to the breasts, connective or fibrous tissue holds glandular and fatty breast tissue in place.
A private meeting with a breast surgeon to discuss any concerns, goals and ask any questions. If you’re ready to take the first step, get in touch to book your consultation with Adam Critchley today.
This refers to the opposite side of the body.
A medical procedure that alters a person’s physical appearance. This can include breast surgery, face lifts, liposuction, tummy tucks and more.
Your breast cup size – which is a letter – represents the difference between the rib cage and bust.
Deflation occurs when the shell of the breast implant tears and the saline or silicone inside the breast leaks out. Signs of deflation include reduced breast size, firmness and fullness.
Breasts with a higher volume of fibrous and glandular tissue compared to fatty tissue.
This term is commonly used in relation to breast reconstruction surgery. DIEP stands for deep inferior epigastric perforator. In a DIEP Flap surgery fat, skin, and blood vessels are cut from the wall of the belly and moved up to the chest to rebuild the breast.
Breast implant displacement is when a breast implant migrates to a new position, which can cause breast asymmetry.
A breast dissection, also known as an axillary lymph node dissection or clearance, is a surgical procedure that removes lymph nodes from the armpit to help stage breast cancer, and reduce the likelihood of cancer returning.
A type of breast shape where the nipples point outward and away from one another.
An excision biopsy refers to the removal of a breast lump or area of breast tissue, typically as part of a treatment for breast cancer.
An excision biopsy refers to the removal of a breast lump or area of breast tissue, typically as part of a treatment for breast cancer.
Expander implants are temporary implants that stretch the skin and chest muscles in order to prepare the area for a permanent implant.
Fat grafting, also known as a fat transfer, fat injections or lipomodelling, is a surgical procedure that moves fat from one part of the body to another.
Breast fat necrosis is a non-cancerous condition that occurs when fat cells in the breast die and are then replaced by scar tissue.
This term refers to breast tissue that is mostly made of fatty tissue.
A term used within breast reconstruction surgery, flap procedures consist of a surgeon using skin, muscle, fat and blood vessels that exist in another part of your body to create a new breast mound.
Fibrous tissue in the breast is a non-threatening condition that causes thick, rubbery or hardened areas in the breast.
Fibrocystic breasts consist of tissue that feels lumpy or rope like. This is a common condition also known as benign breast change.
GAP is an acronym for gluteal artery perforator, and is used in breast reconstruction surgery. This is a procedure that involves taking a patient’s own skin and fat from the buttocks to reconstruct the breast.
Glandular tissue in the breast is the milk-producing tissue, and is made up of lobules (the milk-producing glands) and the ducts that drive the milk to the nipple.
A type of implant that consists of a thick, cohesive silicone gel, and has a texture that is comparable to a gummy bear. It’s worth noting that Adam Critchley only uses Motiva implants.
An incision that is made in the crease of the breast, where the breast meets the chest wall.
A growth of germs or bacteria in the breast tissue, causing swelling, pain and other uncomfortable symptoms in the body.
This type of consent is a process of communication between you and your breast surgeon Adam Critchley, in which Adam will provide information on the procedure and the risks that come with it. With this information, patients can then decide whether they wish to proceed with the surgery.
Also referred to as the internal thoracic artery, the internal mammary artery (IMA) is a paired artery that supplies blood to the breasts and the anterior chest wall.
Inpatient surgery is any breast procedure that requires a patient to stay in hospital overnight.
Commonly used in breast reconstruction surgery, a latissimus dorsi flap is a surgical procedure where tissue is used from your back to reconstruct the breast after a mastectomy.
The section of the breast that consists of lobules, which are the glands that create milk.
A type of breast condition that causes breasts to be abnormally large in relation to a person’s frame or overall body weight.
A glandular organ located on the chest (also known as breasts), that consist of fat, tissue and milk-producing glands.
A medical term for breast pain that can occur in one or both breasts. Symptoms include tenderness, sharp or stabbing pains, and a burning or tightening in the breast.
A breast removal procedure that can partially or completely remove the breast. This surgery is often used to treat breast cancer.
A type of breast surgery in which the shape or appearance of breasts are altered, also known as a breast lift.
A milk duct is a thin tube inside the breast that carries milk to the nipple.
These types of breast procedures harness a range of surgical and non-surgical techniques that use small incisions or none at all during surgery.
Also known as Montgomery tubercles, Montgomery glands are small bumps in the areola that lubricate the nipple, especially during lactation.
The nipple is a raised area on the centre of the breast. This is where milk comes from during lactation.
A surgical procedure that combines cancer treatment surgery with cosmetic surgery to reshape the breast. This surgery can involve removing nearby lymph nodes and performing a breast reduction or breast lift.
A surgery that is integral to all breast cancer surgeries. It combines cancer treatment and cosmetic surgery when reconstructing or reshaping the breast.
The pectoralis major is a thick, fan-shaped or triangular convergent muscle of the human chest. It is the largest muscle of the anterior chest wall.
A small and flat triangular-shaped muscle in the chest that helps to stabilise the shoulder blade to support breathing.
Any surgery that alters a person’s appearance. This type of surgery is used to repair or reconstruct missing or damaged tissue and skin.
An incision that is made around the edge of the areola, used for breast reduction surgery, breast implant removal surgery and breast lift procedures.
A course of action, commonly surgery, that is intended to achieve a result.
The distance that a breast implant extends forward or ahead of the chest wall when standing.
The medical term for breasts that are drooping or sagging as a result of ageing, pregnancy, weight changes, or genetics. It describes the nipple position relative to the infra-mammary crease.
Also known as breast reduction surgery, this cosmetic procedure is dedicated to reducing the size and shape of the breast.
This term refers to breasts that have thinner or looser breast tissue, resulting in breasts that are softer and more elongated.
Breast rippling is a complication that can arise after breast augmentation surgery, mastectomy and breast implant reconstruction. Rippling is when the surface of a breast implant wrinkles or folds, making the implant visible or noticeable to the patient.
In the context of breast surgery, risks are potential complications that can arise as a result of undergoing surgery such as infection, ruptured implants, tissue necrosis and more.
A type of breast shape where the breasts are equally full at both the top and bottom.
These types of implants are round-shaped and have the same shape and fullness from any perspective when lying base down on a flat surface.
A rupture, or ruptured breast implant in this context, is a tear or hole in the outer shell of the implant. A rupture can lead to changes in the shape of the breast.
These types of implants are made up of sterile salt water and have a silicone outer shell. Please note that Adam Critchley exclusively uses Motiva implants (silicone gel and shell).
A scar is a permanent mark that is left on the skin as a result of a wound, burn or sore. In the context of breast surgery, a scar occurs after incisions are made into the skin. They typically fade with time.
Also referred to as a fibrous capsule, a scar capsule is scar tissue that forms around a breast implant as the body’s natural healing process.
Sedatives are drugs that are administered into your system during surgery to relax you and induce sleep.
Silicone implants are breast implants that are made up of silicone gel filling. Please note that Adam Critchley exclusively uses Motiva implants.
Silicone elastomers are a special type of plastic known as thermosetting plastic. They are made up of carbon, silicon, hydrogen and oxygen, and are a solid and rubber-like material used in making the outer shell of breast implants.
A silent rupture is a hole or tear in the outer shell of a breast implant that goes unnoticed by a patient due to being trapped in the surrounding tissue.
Breasts that are typically smaller in size but long and slim in shape, with nipples that point downward.
Breast implants that have a smooth, glossy and slippery silicone outer shell. They are not associated with BIA-ALCL but have higher rates of capsular contracture.
A type of bra that is either provided or recommended after breast surgery to aid in recovery. The surgical bra is designed to support, compress the chest and help with post-surgical fluid drains.
A stitch or a row of stitches used by a surgeon during breast surgery to close incisions, reshape breast tissue and secure breast implants.
A breast sizer is a silicone device that helps patients identify their ideal breast implants during an operation. Sizing bras with silicone filler may also be used in clinics to help patients decide on their implant size choice.
This term refers to a breast implant technique where the implant in question is positioned between the chest muscle and the breast tissue.
A breast implant technique in which the breast implant is placed beneath the pectoralis major muscle of the chest.
A breast shape that has a resemblance to tear drops. These types of breasts are thinner at the top and fuller at the bottom, with the nipples often sitting higher on the breast. Also known as anatomical or shaped implants.
These types of breast implants are characterised by a textured surface which can be very fine (nano eg Motiva), through micro to macrotextured (rough to the touch).
There are many different types of tissue within the breast: fatty tissue, fibrous tissue, glandular tissue and fibroglandular tissue.
Tissue expansion occurs when a tissue expander is used to stretch the skin and muscles in the chest to make room for an implant. Tissue expansion is typical in breast reconstruction surgery.
An incision that is made in the armpit to enable breast implant insertion.
A transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap, also referred to as a TRAM flap, is a surgical procedure used to reconstruct the breast after a mastectomy.
Also referred to as breast hypoplasia, tubular breasts are a congenital condition that causes the breasts to develop abnormally during puberty.
If you’re ready to take that first step in your breast surgery journey, book your consultation with Adam Critchley today.