Breast Augmentation patients should always be counselled for the expectation of surgery in the future.

This can be due to a complication such as capsular contracture or Implant rupture, or because the patient no longer likes the way their breasts look or feel.

Some patients describe the implant choice as too high or over-projected, and struggle to feel as if they ‘belong’ to them.

Taking the time to explore these issues is critical to achieving an outcome that the patient desires.

Before After
Before After

Advanced capsular contracture – Heavily calcified, fibrotic capsules completely removed along with Nagor 330cc round implants and replaced with Motiva Ergonomix 340cc (Moderate projection). The result is a much softer and more natural looking breast with the normal gap between the breasts restored.

Before After

Acute left breast implant rupture following breast augmentation 10 years ago. Siltex 400cc implants removed and replaced with Motiva Ergonomix (Type 2) 330cc implants combined with lower pole mastopexy to reduce footprint and overprotection of previous implants.